New in the offer!

Valutation of hotels and hotel real estate

At HIDA, you can order a property valuation for a single hotel/accommodation facility, as well as for the entire portfolio of hotel properties and condo & mixed-use projects with a hotel component. Thanks to this, you will gain knowledge about the value of real estate both at the stage of investment planning and running a business.

Reliable assessment of the market value of real estate


For owners of hotels and other accommodation facilities


For Inwestors

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For banks and financial institutions

The form of valuation tailored to the customer's requirements

Appraisal report in accordance with the law, professional standards and the principles of good professional practice
RICS standard – international standards and guidelines
MLV valuation - Mortgage Lending Value, a standard used by German banks, based on the CIS HypZert certificate ​

What properties do we value?​


Mixed-use projects with a hotel element

e.g. a mix of an office building with a hotel, office parks with a hotel, a hotel with retail space, a hotel and apartments…

Development projects with accommodation services

– Hotels

– Condohotels

– Aparthotels

– Holiday apartaments

– Mixed-use project witha hotel component

Land for hotel, apartment and multi-functional development (with a hotel function)

When you might need the valuation?

When you are implementing a new development project and need a valuation of the land and facility after commissioning
When you need financing or refinancing at a Financial Institution
When your bank needs a property value update during the loan repayment period
When the real estate valuation is needed for the court and prepared by an expert
When the real estate valuation is to be used for accounting or tax reporting
And in many other projects...​

We evaluate chain hotels and more...


We cooperate with experienced practitioners in the commercial real estate sector


Our team of appraisers has the qualifications of a property appraiser in the field of real estate appraisal, RICS qualifications, as well as the CIS Hyp Zert (MLV) certificate.

Trending Up

We undertake valuations for complex, multi-functional projects where the hotel is only part of the entire investment

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